Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Chapter 10: Hand Holding

How long can a flirtatious glance last? How long can two people stay connected lips to lips? The everlasting hand holding probably outlast what the eyes and lips can offer. The triggers to separate the hands would be sweaty palms or fingers cramp. Perhaps this is why hand holding is so powerful.

Hand holding can be interpreted as love, intimacy, protection, affection, commitment, and support. It is a way of announcing connection to the public. At the same time, it offers comfort and a sense of well-being in private. Hand holding is one of the relational maintenance behaviors.

This concept rings true for me because after conversations, attending sport events, becoming friends, and learning more about characters and personalities, I was not convinced that I met my match until two sets of hands were compared. Something warm, electrical, and magical occurred when the hands contacted. Perhaps this is also a strong reminiscence of the phrase "putting your life in somebody's hand." If you feel you can trust someone from a hand holding experience, then you may find the courage to spend the rest of your life with this person.


jdmINT said...

Hi Rabbit Tail Tale,

Your comments on handholding are very thoughtful and poetic. It is amazing how such a simple act can speak such volumes. My husband was just telling me about an article he read that discussed complaints Apple was receiving from women who had difficulty using the I-Phone due to their long finger nails. In order to work properly, the device requires contact with the skin; it senses the electrical charges from the skin. If computers sense and require this connectivty that comes from the touch of a hand, how much more do humans sense and require the same?

Caligirl522 said...

Your thoughts on handholding made me think of it in a totally different perspective. I really enjoyed thinking how such a simple connection can be so powerful and emotional. Especially in public, handholding almost represents a claim on the other. They are "exclusive" with each other. As a woman, when I hold my husband's hand I have a sense of affirming love and security. I enjoy being by his side and knowing that I am his!

squirrelhands said...

Wow, I really enjoyed reading what you had to say about hand holding. Its amazing how hand holding can take on a whole other meaning when you put it together the way you did. I actually never really thought of much of hand holding at all. That is until I dated someone who didn’t like to hold hands because they felt like it was a sign that they were being led, like a child. But then I started to think of just close or sweet hand holding was. But now from your blog I see it more in the sense of bonding and more intimate and really significant. And the whole analogy of “putting your life in someone’s hand”, its so true, cuz when you can than that’s the person for you. Great blog, thanks for sharing. But do you ever notice that people who have been married a very long time don't necessarily hold hands all that often, kind of sad, don’t you think?