Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Chapter 6: Associating With Others

Some people associate with others to bolster their self-image or public image. There are two strategies involved: (1) looking good by making others look bad and (2) looking good by basking in other's accomplishments. Blasting the opposition is blasting people's reputation by making negative statements and assertions about them (i.e. rival group or individual) and then enhancing one's image by comparison. Basking in reflected glory is highlighting one's association with achievement of others. These concepts are significant because they explain the annoying actions of high schoolers, politicians, colleagues, and even ex-friends. It stirs me to the core when I encounter individuals who try to put me down to make themselves look or feel better. Better yet, when these individuals try to sneak in the spotlight or take/share/associate themselves with my accomplishments, it burns me inside.

1 comment:

Caligirl522 said...

I thought your post was very interesting and true! People in high school do these concepts all the time. That is high school! I definitely had my part in blasting other peers, teachers, or coaches because I was always right and the world revolved around me! I am thankful I never have to go back, but now my brother is a senior so there will be plenty of blasting people for the next year to come!